Much Needed Nonsense

Would you like a piece of me too, Jane?

Would you like a piece of me too, Jane?

Would you like a piece of me too, Jane?

Would you like a piece of me too, Jane?

I’ve several pieces of me
Scattered around, anonymously
In the dark tunnels of the cities
With tall buildings
The buildings that glitter in the night
To hide the blandness and boredom
Of a 9 to 5 life

Would you like a piece of me too, Jane?

There’s some of it lying there, carefree
Underneath the worn-out bridges
That hold on to their last hopes and dreams
In silence and misery
It’s not as glamorous as it sounds, I know
But the vultures and ravens appreciate it
And that’s all that matters

Would you like a piece of me too Jane?

I’ve still got a few left, I think
But, you better give me an answer now
For that Dog sitting by the street light
He wants some too
He told me so yesterday
And I intend to oblige

Would you like a piece of me too Jane?

It’s almost dawn
And I’m about to break down one last time
This is your last chance, Jane
It’s about time you made up your mind.

This is your last chance, Jane
It’s about time you made up your mind.

But, if you can’t
And I break down one last time
Into a thousand pieces of blue
I hope you can forgive me, Jane
For all the promises and dreams
That I failed to live up to

Or maybe, I will leave a piece for you
The only one dear to me
Maybe, then you will realize
What you really meant to me

But, then again
You already knew that, didn’t you?

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